
Old square of Chichen Itza

Mayan Cities in virtual reality

      The sacred city of the Itza, is located 75 miles east of Merida, the Capital of the State of Yucatan, Mexico. This archaeological site is rated among the most important of the Maya culture and covers an area of approximately six square miles where hundreds of buildings once stood.
Many temples and palaces of Chichen Itza were constructed in the traditional Puuc Maya style. These buildings can be found in the "Old Chichén" section of the city and most are dedicated to the rain god Chac.This style is quite similar to the palaces at the Puuc sites of Kabah, Sayil, Labná and Xlapak.These sites was built in the late Classic period.
     The" New Chichen" is situated north of "Old chichen"and this section of city is mixture of Maya and Toltec styles.
It seems that the "Old Chichen" is older than The New Chichen. Places of central Mexico was built in Toltec style during postclassic period.Some believe that the Toltecs(Tula -around the years 968-1168 A.D) invaded the Itza at Chichen and forced their architecture and belief system on them. But It is probable that most constructions was built around the turn of the 9th century. Old sites was empty in the north Yucatan in this time.Traditional Yucatan clans and incomers (Mayas affected by Central Mexico culture) built the Cosmopolitan Chichen Itza. The same situation occurred in the Mayapan 300 years later.




El Caracol - Mayan observatory


Iglesia - The Puuc style

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Let's go through Old Chichen in 3D reality


Old square


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